
The Three Factors That Can Lead You to a Career You LOVE

guest-blogging-1How often have you taken the time to think about what really interests you at work, what has perhaps shaped the career choices you have made so far? Think about those times when you get really absorbed in something, the time flies by doesn’t it? Why is this important? Because it’s all about bringing more of yourself to work. When you really enjoy what you do, you are more likely to perform well and be satisfied with your career. What comes to your mind when you think of career satisfaction?

For me career satisfaction means being connected to a cause. I like to know that there is some real meaning behind my work and that what I am doing is helping everyone with their personal development and this motivates me to continue working and trying to succeed in my work. Other people might define career satisfaction by working with people who empower you and having a greater cause. Also, career satisfaction could be solving problems and filling a gap or reward and recognition. Some examples could be adding value or being interested in your work or working with great people.

All this to say that career satisfaction means different things to different people. Over several decades, countless studies have been conducted to discover what makes people satisfied at work. Research has found that interests, motivators and abilities are the 3 factors that lead to career satisfaction.


Career interests are the most important of the 3 factors because interests are a part of our core and are stable and they stay with you through your lifetime. The definition of an interest is something that is deeply held that you absolutely connect with – you want to learn more about topics. An example of this is if you really love analysis or new technology. These stay with you throughout your lifetime. My nephew is fascinated by legos and he has an entire room filled with legos. He I am sure will be connected to engineering and building activities for the rest of his life just like his father was because he has an interest in the inner workings of things. My high interests are coaching and mentoring and when I look back at my childhood, I was always helping my group of friends put together goals and since I was the first one to apply to college, I helped all my friends with the application process and test process so that they could get into their dream college as well. What are some interests that you have? Can you see your interests evident in your childhood like I can?


Then we have motivators, which can also sometimes be called values. These are the rewards each of us needs. Some examples of motivators are flexibility, lifestyle and intellectual challenge. Motivators are really important to be aware of to make sure you are aligned in a job correctly and it is also important to remember that your motivators can change based on your current life situation. One of my motivators is altruism which means that I have satisfaction of regularly helping others with their individual and business concerns and this fits perfectly in my role at work as a consultant because I get to help my client.


Abilities are your skills – this is what we focus more on in the professional world. But this is just one part – skills are like muscles, you build them up if you must also have an interest in them to want to be satisfied in your career. Some people are drawn to career paths because they have the ability and like the rewards, even though they aren’t interested. After a short period of success, they lose interest and either quit or just work less productively.
So now that you have thought about your interests and motivations and what career satisfaction means to you, how you can apply what we learned today in your future career path?

Classy Career Girl, a blog written by Anna Runyan, provides advice to young professionals on how to be classy as they climb the corporate ladder.  Her blog covers topics such as business chic fashion, career motivation, personal development, networking, and office etiquette. Connect with her at http://www.classycareergirl.com.  If you would like to learn more about how to find a career that you love to go to everyday, check out her free video training series at http://www.getmycareerunstuck.com.


How To Find A Job Without Even Looking


Recent statistics* suggest that “passive” candidates – those not actively seeking new employment – make up 84% of the potential workforce. With more employers tapping off this source than ever, how can you make sure you stand out from the other 83%?

Like falling in love, finding a job can often happen when you’re least looking for it. With social networks such as LinkedIn and Facebook blurring the lines between the personal and the professional, it’s becoming increasingly easier for recruiters to track down potential candidates outside of traditional application processes.

If you want to keep your career options open, then, building a strong passive profile is a great way to put yourself on the recruiting map and pre-empt the next stage in your career. Convinced? Here’s a few ideas for how to do so:

Ways to build a stronger passive profile:

Social networks: Nine out of ten employers use social networks as a recruitment tool, according to Jobvite. In practice, this can mean only one thing – if you’re looking to attract recruiters’ attention as a passive candidate, you’ll need to spruce up your social footprint. The survey goes on to report that 73% of all social hires come from LinkedIn, 20% from Facebook and 7% from Twitter, making it clear where you need to focus your efforts to make yourself known to recruiters.

Online CV databases: As well as coming in handy when you’re actively looking for work, uploading your CV to online job boards is a great opportunity for you to get a detailed professional profile out on the web.

Databases: Applied for a job in recent years, but didn’t get it? There may be a silver lining to that cloud. For the sake of a quick email, it’s worth sending a letter to your ex-future-employers thanking them for your time and asking them to keep your details on file for future positions that may become available. If you lacked a specific skill for one post, but were otherwise considered a suitable candidate, you might find that you’re considered for a different post within the company at a future date and hear back from them when you least expect it.

Blogs: What better way to establish yourself as an industry professional than your own blog, where you can showcase all your bright ideas and top achievements? Although it might be time-consuming, a blog can be a valuable lifelong professional tool and is well worth considering investing your time in.

Put it on the grapevine: Don’t forget the power of your non-virtual networks when raising your passive profile. Giving friends and family the impression that you’re open to new careers suggestions can bring up interesting results, especially if they have a clear idea of what your current skills set is and what type of opportunities you’d be interested in.

Events: Attend events related to your career… and stick behind for the “networking” sections at the end. Yes, it might be possible that you get stuck talking to the industry bore at the end, but it’ll be worth it if they remember your name next time their company’s hiring.

Unless you’re very fortunate, being a “passive” candidate takes more work than the name suggests. With a bit of luck, you should be rewarded with some interesting new offers, but even if they don’t start rolling in as quickly as you’d like, don’t be disheartened. Working on your passive profile is also a great way to take stock of your current career achievements and interests, and help you clarify what you have to offer the job market. All of which means that next time you’re “actively” looking for a job, you’ll have a ready-formed profile and the self-knowledge to hit the job boards at full power.

One last comment, however – beware of letting your current employer know that you consider your professional relationship to be of the open kind, or you might find yourself being converted from a “passive” to an “active” job seeker more quickly than you think.

*Source: US Department of Labor

Written by Penelope Labram: JobisJob 

“JobisJob, the clever click”


Trade Jobs in Australia and NZ

If you’re seeking a trade job within the Australian Job Market or the New Zealand Job Market, you will need to first prepare a resume that adequately highlights your skills, qualifications and experience. Most importantly, however, it needs to be targeted toward the Australian and New Zealand job markets, and it needs to be written in the most effective way possible. With the competition for jobs so intense for both domestic and international job seekers, slapping a few sentences together and writing “CV” at the top of a page is no longer good enough to get you hired.

No matter your profession – if you’re a building contractor, mechanic, plumber, electrician, boiler operator, welder, fabricator, technician or excavator to name just a few – you need to ensure that your professional resume ticks all the right boxes when you are seeking any type of employment.

Highlighting Qualifications and Certifications:

In my experience, tradesmen often focus on their skills and certifications. Make sure you highlight any relevant skills or qualifications on the top of your resume or at least on the first page. You want the reader to see that you are qualified from the start. Building on this, you can then list any certification that you may hold. Some jobs may require particular certifications, and if this is the case, make sure that you list these! If you lack a “required” certification, don’t apply as you will be wasting your time… the “certification” is required for a reason.

Highlighting Experience:

It goes without saying that it is always important to highlight your professional experience on your resume. Daily duties are definitely an integral part to this – make sure that you list the most relevant duties that were a part of your job, and pay particular attention to include any related duties that are mentioned in job advertisements that you respond to. Don’t forget to also make sure that you list any special achievements or recognitions that you have received. In a tight job market an employer will want to see how you will add value to their organisation.

At the end of the day, the most important thing to remember is that you need to tailor each resume. If a job advertisement calls for certain skills or qualifications make sure you find somewhere to mention these on your resume. Not only will your resume stand out to the hiring manager or recruiter, but it will also make sure that your resume comes up in any keyword searches.

Top 5 Resume Writing Tips!

Responsibilities, achievements and duties need to be written clearly and backed up with supporting evidence.

Use British English ONLY in your Australian/NZ Resume – words such as “specialise” and “realise” need to be spelled with an “s” not a “z”

No picture is necessary on your Australian Resume

Do not include personal information such as marital status, date of birth, number of children, occupation of spouse, gender, religious affiliation, colour or race on your resume. It is true that in certain countries (South Africa, for example) personal information is included and is required, however it is not necessary or needed on your Australian or NZ Resume

Spend as much time as possible ensuring you address EXACTLY what the employer wants. For example, if the job advertisement lists certain duties for the job, make sure you incorporate these duties into your current resume. If the job requires excellent customer service skills, provide examples about how you have provided excellent customer service

Get the edge on other job seekers and save yourself enormous amounts of time and stress by ensuring your resume ticks all the right boxes.

© RedStarResume Publications – http://www.bestresponseresume.com


Is Your Job Seeking Strategy Working?

This week I had the pleasure of speaking to Corey Harlock – The Creator of Skills to Achieve and the Fearless Job Seeker System (Check out his new youtube video 3 Reasons to be courageous in your job search)

With knowledge and expertise in helping job seekers convert applications into interviews and interviews in job offers, Corey shares a few tips below:

“If your resume is not getting you interviews and your interviews are not getting you job offers – your strategy is NOT working.

The worst thing you can to yourself, your family and your future is to limit your chances of success by using the same information EVERYONE else is using. Think about that for just a second. The information you are incorporating into your job search is the same as the tens of thousands of job seekers out there – no wonder no one is calling!

To me, that is the BIGGEST problem with the whole “job search” arena and most of the experts out there. Everyone is using the same “rule book” and giving the same bad advice to everyone who is looking for a job, how can you possibly stand out and get hired.

Here is what I know… there is absolutely NO rule book, guidelines, etiquette you MUST follow when applying, interviewing, negotiating or accepting a job – NONE! But somehow I spend a lot of time reversing the effects of bad advice on people who are looking for work.

So to be courageous in your job search you need to be prepared to admit 3 things right now:
1. What you are doing isn’t working and will never be effective.
2. This is YOUR LIFE and it is way too important not to do whatever you can to get employed and provide for yourself, your family and your future – even if it means doing breaking rules (that don’t exist) and taking control of your job search.
3. It’s time for a NEW BEGINNING! Forget all the old advice and techniques you have been taught and are using. If you aren’t getting interviews or offers they aren’t working. Start fresh with a new approach and unique way of building your strategy.
I know many of you reading this are either in disbelief that I would suggest that what you are doing is wrong. Some of you might even be angry with me, “I can’t believe this guy, who does he think he is?”

The truth here is… I get people interviews and job offers by combining 3 unique elements of your job search; job search psychology, inside information and a unique and different strategy.

If you can get out of the way of what you think you know and agree with the 3 points above, you might be ready to be Fearless in your job search!”

Join the revolution and get your FREE Fearless Job Search Tips and start changing the way you approach your job search. “The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world… usually do.” Apple Commercial from 1997…


Position Ignition Tips to Finding Courage For Your Career Change

By Nisa Chitakasem, Co-founder Career Change Specialist Position Ignition Ltd

Creating an ending and making a shift isn’t always easy. Why? We’re used to the routine we have and the way things are. Change is scary, it’s unknown, it’s different and we have no guarantees of success. We can remain in one place due to fear of change. It requires us to take a leap of faith before we can reach a different destination and way of being. A career change is significant but it can also be life changing in a great way. Here are some key tips on overcoming your fear:

1. Acknowledgement

The first thing to do is to acknowledge your inner fear instead of ignoring it. This is the first step to dealing with it. There’s no shame in admitting that we’re scared, however old and ‘battle-worn’ we are.

2. Gain Clarity

We know that the next step is about being clear and that you’ve decided to end your old life. You need to be totally clear about what you want to do next. Otherwise the leap feels like a very huge one. It’s a leap of faith and a jump into the darkness if you aren’t clear about where you are going. However, when you have that clarity you will have reached the point at which the courage to take the leap doesn’t seem like a big step at all.  It becomes a more obvious step. Something you want to do. Something you have to do. For many, it is when and how people recognise they’re in the wrong place in their life and in their work.

3. Understand that Mistakes are Normal

Even if you make mistakes, or don’t do something in the job application process that you should have, it’s not the end of the world. Learn from mistakes and remember that you’re still evolving as a human, never mind as a job seeker, whatever your age. If you’re frightened of moving forward, you’ll never move forward!

4. Forget about Other People

Perhaps you’re scared of what others will think of you if you change careers ‘at your age’. Do what’s right for you instead of being put off by what you imagine people’s opinions to be. It’s unlikely that anyone will think a mid-life career change is strange, given the increasing fluidity of today’s labour market.

We know such a small minority of people who are clear about what they want to do early in their life. For those of us in the majority, it’s hard work to get to that point. Some people never get there. Funnily enough, when you do get clear, courage doesn’t come into it because you feel energised and your intention is so clear, it doesn’t feel courageous at all. It’s natural and it’s the right thing to do. Explore, experiment, get clear and then when you are ready take that jump and make that shift into new ground – the right new ground for you.

Author: Nisa Chitakasem is the co-founder of career consulting firm www.positionignition.com. He specialises in supporting individuals through key career transitions including making a career change, finding a fulfilling role and shaping personal life and career plans.

Time for an Interview?

Interview Secrets Exposed

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Saving money with Amazon!

By Lauren Daley – University of Colorado, Boulder

As a student, I am always looking for ways to save money. I use discounts and promotions when I buy food, gas, and I always try to save money when it comes to buying anything school-related. When you’re a poor college student like me every saving helps. You don’t have to necessarily sacrifice the “finer things in life”, but you do need to shop more wisely. Trust me – doing a little bit of research and knowing a few tips can help you save hundreds of dollars!


It seems like the prices of textbooks are getting more expensive every year, and it’s only been this year that I discovered a number of ways to save money on textbooks, and all of these options are on amazon.com. If you’re like me and you don’t want to pay full price, or if the discounts on used books at the bookstore just aren’t good enough, then I have three tips to share to help you save money!


 1) Gold Box Deal of the Day

The Gold Box Deal of the Day is an Amazon incentive that is not widely known. Every day, Amazon offers a particular deal at an amazing savings rate. Typically, all savings are up to 50-75% off their normal price.


2) Sign up for Amazon Student.

After I signed up to Amazon Student I was able to save up to 30% on the price of new textbooks. In addition, Amazon also offers great value for used textbooks through their Textbook Buyback program. By becoming a member of Amazon Student, you are also entitled to other free benefits including shipping, shopping benefits, exclusive offers etc. It’s free to sign up so there’s nothing to lose!


3) My favourite section is the: Deals and Bargains Section

The title speaks for itself. Keep an eye on this section and you can receive huge markdowns and special promotions. You can find anything here from clothing, electronics, movies, books etc. Savings can start from as little as 5% and go up to as high as 80%.


Good Luck and Happy Shopping!




© RedStarResume Publications – http://www.bestresponseresume.com




Tips to help you through your Job Interview


 Brett Duncan, managing partner of Duncan & Associates shares his tips on the job interview 

Job Interview Tips


Make sure you have full details of the interview, ie- number of people in the interview, their titles, time, date and address.

Time keeping:

Make sure you get there on time. Aim to be 15 minutes early. Plot your route, and be aware of heavy traffic times.


Do as much research on the company as possible. This is very important as it shows that you are interested in the organisation, and will enable you to ask relevant questions. Research the news- has the company been in the news? Have a look at the company’s stock- have there been any drastic movements? Perhaps a new CEO/ CFO etc.


Always try use workable examples when asked questions. For example: Q: Are you a team player? A: “Yes I believe I am. In fact, just the other day I stayed behind to help a colleague finish an important document.” Using examples will give credibility to your answers. Try think of work situations before the interview, as they may not come to you during the interview.

Strengths and weaknesses:

So clichéd- 98% of recruitment companies will tell you “You want to describe

your weaknesses as strengths.” I would ask- why are you applying for a job that highlights your weaknesses? Be confident, you have been successful so far, this is due to your strengths, not your weaknesses. Everyone has weaknesses, but not necessarily relating to your job.


Use your research and prepare a list of relevant questions.


Don’t be afraid to ask about career progression. Companies will look for candidates who want to learn and grow.


Rapport is essential and needs to be established from the outset. Smile; be positive and confident in your ability. Use interviewers names- make sure you get them right (keep business cards in front of you).


Most importantly be yourself. You will not get every interview that you attend, however you want to make a good impression and give it your best shot.

Get in touch by sending us an update CV, as well as your plans and commitments. We are more than happy to help.

Duncan & Associates

Specialist in international recruitment. Are you looking to return to South Africa, and want access to exciting job opportunities? For contact details please visit

 Brett Duncan – Managing Partner : Tel: 011 301 0905/ Cell: 0823841953/ Fax: 011 301 0944


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