
Where Do I Go From Here?

guest-blogging-1The summer after I completed a year-long national service program, I attended a leadership and career development workshop at my alma mater. The goal of the workshop was to evaluate our experiences thus far and the skills we had learned in order to figure out the next step in our careers. One of the most valuable exercises we did that week was a prioritization activity used to evaluate the tasks we performed in the past, the things we liked doing the most, and to figure out which things we’d like to do more of in our next job. It’s one of the most useful activities

I’ve found for providing insight into what you’re currently looking for in a position. The activity goes like this:
1. Write down a list of action, –ing words that you’ve done in your previous positions or that relate to the work you do in a job. List as many words as possible. Words such as planning, organizing, creating, researching, calling, directing, counseling and so on.

2. Evaluate your list of words and choose the top ten activities that you enjoy doing the most in a job, and want to continue doing more of in your next position.

3. Next, you’ll compare each of the activities individually with the other nine, choosing the activity that you’d like to do most in a job. Keep track of how many times you choose each activity.

4. Once you’ve gone through comparing each of your ten activities with one another, count up the number of times you chose each one.

5. Order your list of activities according to the amount of times you chose them.

Your new ordered list of ten activities should show the priority of activities you want to do in future positions. This can help you to tailor your job search for positions that will allow you to do the things that matter most to you in your job and give you a better idea of where you want to end up in your career.

1. _________________________

2. _________________________

3. _________________________

4. _________________________

5. _________________________

6. _________________________

Amanda Ryan is a Program Development Associate & Senior Resume Writer at RedStarResume. Amanda is a highly skilled resume writing expert and career expert who also specialises in creating, writing and developing career content, working alongside student and graduate job seekers and developing career content for newsletters, partners and career websites.

Need the help of a professional resume writer with expert resume writing skills? Contact the team at RedStarResume!


5 Things To Exclude On Your Resume

jobwantedI recently worked with a client who had a 13 page resume! It included every single job for the past 25 years and a full page describing what he was looking for in his next role. The resume even included icons and pictures of the places of employment where he had worked. The document was so large to open that I was scared it contained a virus (no jokes!). He had applied unsuccessfully for numerous jobs before deciding it was time to call upon a resume writing company to analyse his resume.

Knowing what to include in your resume is just as important as knowing what to exclude. Don’t waste time with information that does not add value. Hiring managers and recruiters don’t have time to read through every resume with a fine tooth comb.

Below are 5 things that need to be excluded from your resume:

The word “Resume” or “Curriculum Vitae” or “CV” at the top of the resume:

When a hiring manager or recruiter first opens your resume what is the first thing they see? Is it your name or is it a big bold heading that says “Resume”? When you are applying for a job it goes without saying that you are including your resume… do you really have to spell it out for them? Not only does writing “Resume” at the top take up valuable real estate space on your resume, but it also adds no value to your application.

Objective Statement:

Does your resume have a generic objective statement where you tell the reader what you are looking for in a job? Something similar to “Looking to utilise my skills to gain additional skills and experience”? If your resume reads like this do yourself a favour and delete it immediately. Hiring managers want to know that you your resume is written to target their jobs and that you have the skills and experience for that particular role. Stand out from the crowd by replacing your objective statement with a qualifications profile and highlight to the reader what you have to offer their organisation.

Too much contact information:

How much personal contact information is required in your resume? My advice is to include your name, email address and mobile number. If you have a LinkedIn profile URL I would include this as well. All other personal information such as date of birth, marriage status, number of kids, religion, race, country of birth, passport details etc. are not required on the resume.

Interest and Hobbies:

Unless it can add value to your job application there is no need to include your interest and hobbies within your resume. The fact that you like going on long walks, reading autobiographies and travelling to exotic places will not enhance your resume. Your resume needs to target the job you are applying for and although you may have a long list of extra-curricular activities you like to pursue this list does not belong on your resume.


Your personal and business references do not belong on the resume unless specifically asked. References are typically checked after you apply for the job and are interviewed, and these are supplied to hiring managers on request. There is no need to flood your resume with references. They take up valuable space in your resume and 99/100 times will not even be looked at by the hiring manager. Ensure you have a list of references ready to go, but keep these ready for after you nail the job interview.

© RedStarResume Publications – http://www.bestresponseresume.com/

Specializing in Executive Resume Writing



Find A Job In Australia

Are you currently seeking a job in Australia?

Australia is one of the most beautiful countries in the world and boasts a fantastic Skilled Migration Program:

Are you a highly skilled migrant or an international student looking to find employment opportunities in Australia? Or perhaps you’re an Australian job seeker trying to find a new job?

No matter who you are, if you require a job in Australia this EBook is for you!


 The Ultimate Australian Job Search Handbook will give you all the tips that you require to find job success in Australia.

Every job market from around the world is unique, and the Australian job market is no different. In order to find a job in Australia you need to properly prepare yourself for the entire job process. This includes preparing an “Aussie” resume (that targets Australian hiring managers and recruitment agents), establishing your job searching strategies and acing the job interview. This EBook will also help you with every stage of the job interview process including preparing for common interview questions, how to answer those tough interview questions, preparing for phone interviews and even how to dress on the day of your big interview in order to create that first impression.

The purchase of the EBook is your first step to finding your dream job in Australia.

 What you will find in this EBook:

Australian Resume Writing

The Australian Job Market

Job Search Tactics

Preparing To Find a Job In Australia

Types of Interview Questions

Job Interviewing Tips & Secrets

How To Answer Tough Job Interview Questions


Creating A LinkedIn Profile

Australian Recruitment Agents


Job Searching Tips For Soon To Be College Graduates

first_impressionsHave a Job Searching Game Plan:

The job searching process takes time—months in fact, so if you decide this is the route you want to take after college, it’s important to get a head start senior year if you want to have a job lined up after graduation. If you’re not sure exactly which job types you’re looking for, make some time early during the year to figure it out. Schedule an appointment with a career advisor to hone in on your career interests, schedule a meeting with a professor to discuss career paths or set up some informational interviews with professionals in your field to learn about different job titles and careers in the industry. Make a timeline for your senior year as you prepare to enter the workforce. Set deadlines for yourself for when you’ll meet with a career advisor or professor to discuss job titles, practice interviewing techniques, create a professional resume, cover letter and LinkedIn Profile, attend job fairs coming to campus, contact recruitment agents and begin searching for open positions.

Make Decisions:

If you’ve decided (or you’re still considering) entering the job market upon graduation, you have several things to consider. Think about where you want to live and work upon graduation—are you only looking in one city or are you willing to relocate if you find a job elsewhere? What industries are you trying to get into and which entry level job positions will you seek? What types of companies are you targeting? Make decisions that will focus your job search and keep you on track, but stay open to new opportunities if they come up.

Last-Minute Boosters:

If you realize your resume is looking empty or you haven’t yet partaken in an internship or part-time job, now’s the time to do it. Senior year isn’t too late to step into a leadership role in an extra-curricular group you’ve been part of or to find an internship during the school year or part-time job. It’s important to have some experience when applying for jobs.


Don’t wait until after graduation to start networking. Senior year you should start talking to family and friends about your intentions post-graduation and the career path you’d like to pursue. Let them know what kinds of positions you’ll be looking for so they can keep an eye out for you if anything turns up or refer you to anyone they know in the business. Most people are happy to help new graduates and provide advice so don’t be afraid to ask.

If you stay on track and start your job search early on, you’ll be on your way to starting a new job upon graduation!

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Stand Out From The Crowd With A Brand New Professional Resume, Cover Letter and LinkedIn Profile From RedStarResume:

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Why Quality Wins Over Quantity When It Comes To Job Searching

quality3.221194950_stdLet’s face it, when you’re looking for a job, you want it as fast and as easy as you can get it. It can be overwhelming and time-consuming searching for a job. It’s true that you likely won’t land an interview, or job for that matter, without actually applying for job openings (unless they come through Networking and weren’t advertised). However, when it comes to applying to jobs, you’ll actually have a better chance at landing a job interview if you focus on quality over quantity of job applications. You will benefit more by spending increased time on individual job applications—customizing your professional resume and cover letter and doing research on the company before sending in your materials, than on shooting out dozens of generic responses to any job openings you see. Here’s why…

Whether you’re searching for job opportunities while working, going to university or you’re unemployed, you really only have a certain amount of time and energy to focus on job searching and preparing your job seeking materials (Is your LinkedIn Profile updated?). If you spend your entire time finding anything you’re even remotely qualified for and sending generic resumes and cover letters, you’ll end up wasting a lot of time and are more likely to get discouraged faster when you don’t receive any feedback or requests for interviews. It’s more beneficial to you to take your time finding a few job openings that really match your interests and qualifications and put all your effort into customizing your materials to suit the position.

One of the main reasons employers give for not contacting job candidates is because they don’t even meet the minimum requirements they listed on their job posting. If you’re responding to dozens of job postings that require a minimum of 3 years in the field while you only have one, you might be wasting your time. Sometimes employers do call in candidates that don’t quite have the length of experience they’re looking for, but it’s wise not to spend a lot of time sending out your application materials unless it’s a position that strongly appeals to you and that you feel you could qualify for in other ways. Especially for jobs that don’t match your experience level, you’ll have to put all your effort into that job application in order to prove to hiring managers that you can be an asset to the company despite other factors.

Another reason employers don’t call back job candidates is that their resume or cover letter was very general and didn’t convince them that they have the experience they’re looking for in the position. You’ll be more likely to get a call-back if you spend time looking at the company, analyzing what type of candidate they want for the position and then customizing your resume and cover letter to show that you have the skills they’re looking for.

Try it and see what happens!

© RedStarResume Publications – http://www.bestresponseresume.com

Stand Out From The Crowd With A Brand New Professional Resume, Cover Letter and LinkedIn Profile From RedStarResume:

Specializing In Over 35 Industries! – Turn your resume into an achievement based marketing documents in just 48-72 hours

Find A Recruiter: Speak to the experts at RedStarResume and find out how we can put you in touch with a specialist Recruitment Agent


Google Can Be Your Best Friend Or Your Worst Enemy When It Comes To Job Searching

google-shows-startups-how-to-master-seo-in-10-minutes-video--2704001fe3I recently “googled” my name and found an assortment of results come up that I didn’t even realize were out there and visible to the public.  Social media sites, registries I created, and websites that I’ve registered on and long forgotten about.  When it comes to job searching, employers are now able to see more about our personal lives than ever before through the internet.  This can either help or hurt us when it comes to applying for jobs.

It is said that an estimated 2 out of 5 companies search the online profiles of job candidates.  As we use more and more social media sites and more tasks are accomplished online, this number is expected to grow.  It’s important that we be aware of the fact that our co-workers, bosses and hiring managers are able to see certain things about us that we might not even realize.  To be prepared, you should do a little research on your online profile and see which websites, profiles and forums of yours are visible to the public.

You should make sure that the online profile you portray to the public matches the image you want to present to potential employers, co-workers and supervisors.  There are a couple of things you can do to help create the image you want to portray through your online profile.  To start, you can review your privacy settings on social media sites and limit the types of information that is visible to the public or to members of the site you’re not connected to. Many sites now allow you to customize the people that can see your posts; however some online forums and web reviews are visible to the public so you should be aware of the things you write about that everyone can see.

This doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy social media sites to share pictures and stay connected to family and friends, but be conscious of what you’re putting out there.  It is becoming more and more common for individuals to create a personal profile as well as a professional one to categorize what types of information are shared with whom.  Creating a separate professional account to social media sites, such as Facebook for example, can be a good idea and a way for you to maintain a professional image while also being able to use these sites for personal enjoyment.  It will allow you to share things with family and friends without worrying about your boss seeing it on Monday or a hiring manager getting the wrong impression of you because he doesn’t know about your sarcastic sense of humor or an inside joke you have going with your friends.

On the other hand, your online profile can enhance your chances at a job if it demonstrates the skills and experiences you have that are related to the jobs you’re applying for.  For example, if you’re applying for a position as a web developer and your blog page is innovative and dynamic, this may show employers that you have what it takes.  In any case, you should make your online profile what you want it to be and not what happens to pop up about you.

© RedStarResume Publications – http://www.bestresponseresume.com

Stand Out From The Crowd With A Brand New Professional Resume, Cover Letter and LinkedIn Profile From RedStarResume:

Specializing In Over 35 Industries! – Turn your resume into an achievement based marketing documents in just 48-72 hours

Find A Recruiter: Speak to the experts at RedStarResume and find out how we can put you in touch with a specialist Recruitment Agent


Tips To Ace The Dreaded Job Interview

interviewThere’s a reason why we all dread job interviews. Going to an interview can feel like an interrogation session where we are asked question after question, sometimes catching us off guard and making us feel anxious. Many times the interviewer gives little feedback or facial expressions to indicate whether or not we seem like a good candidate for the position, which makes it even more uncomfortable. Employers use a series of questions to figure out whether an applicant matches the requirements they need, and whether they’d be a good fit in the company and position.

While it may seem intimidating in an interview, it’s important to remember one thing: Not only should you be trying to show that you’re the right person for the job, you should also use the interview to decide whether the job is right for you. You may be thinking, “That’s nice and all but I really need a job.” The truth is, you’ll be much happier, perform better at your job, and stay at the company longer if you actually feel that the position matches with your skills, experience or interests. It’s better to think about whether a job is right for you, instead of taking anything you get and trying to leave after a couple of months. It’s a waste of your time, as well as the employers.

The employer may do most of the job interviewing and ultimately be the one who decides whether the position is offered to you or not, but you should also ask the interviewer questions about the company and position to determine whether it really is a good fit. This also shows employers that you’re serious about the position and you actually want to see if it’s right for you. Although employers realize that you’re on the search for a job, it’s not good to appear as if you will take any position, even if it doesn’t match your skills and interests.

Whenever you are asked in an interview if you have any questions, you should always be prepared with a list of questions for the employer. Ask questions related to the company and position, such as how much time the position spends on certain tasks, the main qualities looked for in a candidate for the position, whether the position works closely with any other departments, some of the big projects during the year, etc. If you feel that your skills or qualities match a response to one of your questions, be sure to tell the employer that you enjoy certain tasks; have worked in similar projects, and so on to show that you are in fact a good fit from what you’ve learned.

You’ll actually look better in the interview if you ask relevant, strategic questions to the employer and you’ll also get a better idea if you actually want the position if it’s offered to you. Viewing the interview as a chance to figure out whether the position is a good fit can also take away some of the stress and pressure we feel during an interview. It can allow us to portray a more accurate, honest version of ourselves, skills and experiences.

© RedStarResume Publications – http://www.bestresponseresume.com

Stand Out From The Crowd With A Brand New Professional Resume, Cover Letter and LinkedIn Profile From RedStarResume:

Specializing In Over 35 Industries! – Turn your resume into an achievement based marketing documents in just 48-72 hours

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6 Tips To Help Organize Your Time While Job Searching

1_jobsJob searching can be overwhelming, long and tiresome. In order to use your time productively and get the best results, you should organize your activities and set short-term goals.  Organizing your time will help you to stay focused, avoid burning out and help you to achieve maximum results.

Below are some tips for activities you can focus on to organize your time, but remember there are many ways you can do this according to your objectives, schedule, career field, and any interviews, new job postings or contacts that emerge. You can choose certain days to focus on a couple of activities, adapting your schedule to any contact leads or interviews you get from employers:

It’s a good idea to spend some time each day checking the top career websites in your field.  You may even want to choose one or two career sites to focus on each day.  Make a list of the positions that interest you and that match your skills and experiences. You should make time to fill out an application, customize your resume and cover letter to the position and include any other specifications to apply for the job within the same week.

Research companies or organizations in your field that interest you.  Save your top companies and frequently refer back to their websites for job postings. Remember to also research small companies in your field of interest. It can often be easier to land an entry-level position in a smaller company when you’re first starting out.

Spend some time building your social networks and relevant career site profiles.

Make time to talk to family and friends about anyone they may know in the field you’re interested in.  Ask them for contacts to set up an informational phone call or meeting so you can network and learn about any hiring fairs or updates in the field.

If an employer contacts you to set up an interview, your first priority is to research the company and prepare for your interview.

Read up on relevant news or information in your field. Employers like to see that you stay updated on developments in the field and you’ll also gain more insight into the job market.

Try to create goals for yourself each week.  They can be simple goals, such as: find and read 3 articles related to your field; find and apply to 5 relevant positions, catering your professional resume and cover letter to those specific jobs; create your LinkedIn profile and join groups in the type of work that interests you; create a list of organizations you want to research—you get the idea!

Setting goals each week will help you stay focused and motivated so that you can find the right positions and eventually land a job.

© RedStarResume Publicationshttp://www.bestresponseresume.com

Stand Out From The Crowd With A Brand New Professional Resume, Cover Letter and LinkedIn Profile From RedStarResume:

Specializing In Over 35 Industries! – Turn your resume into an achievement based marketing documents in just 48-72 hours

Find A Recruiter: Speak to the experts at RedStarResume and find out how we can put you in touch with a specialist Recruitment Agent


Tips to Avoid Job Searching Burnout

Let’s face it; the job searching process can be long, frustrating and discouraging.  In the tough job market we have today, the time it takes to research, apply for jobs, interview and eventually land one takes even longer than it has in the past. In a perfect world, we’d be able to devote 12 hours a day into the job search until we landed that perfect position; but let’s be real, that’s not possible and it’s not healthy either. That’s why it’s important to have a game plan for your job searching activities to avoid wasted time, frustration and burnout.

When I first found myself unemployed after college, I was so stressed about finding a job quickly that I devoted myself to constantly being on my computer searching and applying for jobs.  Every time I was home, my laptop was open with the objective of looking for jobs.  It was the first thing I did in the morning and even when I ate or sat down to watch a movie, I had those career sites open next to me.  Soon I began to feel that job searching was the only thing I was really doing, and it quickly became discouraging and draining.

My best advice is to devote a few hours every day to the job searching process (preferably around the same time each day so you can develop a routine).  The rest of the time you can spend improving your skills, taking courses, practicing hobbies, and enjoying your time with family and friends.  This way, you’ll spend time searching and applying for jobs, but you’ll also maintain a healthy balance.  It may be hard for you to pull yourself away from job searching after a few hours at first, but it’s better to spend focused, productive time job searching rather than long periods of time where you are tired and wasting time.  Trust me, in the long-run you’ll be much happier and you’ll also end up being more productive.

In order to make your time most useful, you should focus your energy on particular tasks each day and organize your time wisely.  Set weekly goals for yourself—explore new career websites, make a list of organizations you want to research, find positions you want to apply for, create social networking profiles and network.  Unfortunately, you typically have to apply to many job postings before hearing back from one.  Try to stay focused and motivated.  Keep in mind that you’re not only competing with recent grads, you’re also competing with professionals of all levels who may have several more years of work experience than you do, so don’t be discouraged if you apply to numerous positions without hearing back.

Take your job searching process seriously, but don’t let it take over your life. Dedicate time to physical fitness and social activities and never underestimate the importance of developing new skills.  Enrolling in a relevant course, taking up a new hobby or learning a foreign language will serve as a constructive use of your time and will also help you to become a more marketable candidate.

Remember to be patient and target your job search to the right positions. Stay positive and persevere!

© RedStarResume Publicationshttp://www.bestresponseresume.com

Stand Out From The Crowd With A Brand New Professional Resume, Cover Letter and LinkedIn Profile From RedStarResume:

Specializing In Over 35 Industries! – Turn your resume into an achievement based marketing documents in just 48-72 hours

Find A Recruiter: Speak to the experts at RedStarResume and find out how we can put you in touch with a specialist Recruitment Agent


Tips On Selecting The Best Job Recruitment Agent

Every job market is unique and in order to gain the most out of your job search, working alongside a specialised recruiter can be your ticket to success. Just as you may use a mechanic to help you with your car or a plumber to help stop your leaking tap, an expert recruiter can help you find a new job that matches your requirements. Best of all, it’s completely free for you to use. Even if they find you a job, you will never have to pay a cent. The employer fits this bill.

In order to find the best recruiters, the first thing you need to do is spend some time researching recruiters in your industry. For example, if you are a senior accountant, you need to align yourself with accounting recruiters who specialise in senior management accounting positions. There is no point in wasting time speaking to accounting recruiters who only specialise in graduate recruitment. To further maximise your research, do some investigating into the recruiter company’s clients. Many times, recruiters will work with the same set of clients. If you wish to work for a large multinational company, you will need to find recruiters who have these contacts. A small boutique recruitment firm is more likely to work with smaller clients as they don’t have the size to be able to recruit for larger organisations.

How can I begin to find a job recruiter who can help me?

Creating a LinkedIn profile and networking would be my number one piece of advice to job seekers. Once you have a professional LinkedIn profile that highlights your experience, achievements, skills and expertise, you can begin to network and research recruiters in your field. Typically, most recruitment firms are listed on LinkedIn and you can search within their company profiles to find individual recruiters.

How do I know if a certain recruitment agent is right for me?

Building up trust and rapport with your recruiter is vital to finding success. Many people send their resume blindly to a recruitment company and wonder why no one calls them back. In order to have the recruiter searching for jobs on your behalf (remember recruiters don’t get paid until they place you) they need to know that you’re serious about the job search. Go and meet your recruiter face to face. Be upfront with your recruiter and tell them the types of roles you require and the companies you wish to work for. If you can provide a recruiter with all the information that they require they will be able to work as best as they can on your behalf.

Final thought:

Finding the right recruiter can certainly help you in your job search. Having someone with inside knowledge will increase your odds of finding a new job. However, just because you have a recruiter working on your behalf don’t think that you can just sit back and relax. Finding the right recruiter is only one aspect of job seeking. In the competitive job environment, you need to be constantly networking to ensure that you are ready when the opportunity presents itself.

© RedStarResume Publications – http://www.bestresponseresume.com

Stand Out From The Crowd With A Brand New Professional Resume, Cover Letter and LinkedIn Profile From RedStarResume:

Specializing In Over 35 Industries! – Turn your resume into an achievement based marketing documents in just 48-72 hours

Find A Recruiter: Speak to the experts at RedStarResume and find out how we can put you in touch with a specialist Recruitment Agent

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